Have you been sued? Is someone seeking money damages from you? Does someone owe you money or have property that belongs to you? Is someone refusing to honor a contract? These are examples of civil litigation.
With over 30 years’ trial experience, we can handle a large variety of civil actions.
During consultations, the potential client always asks if they can sue someone or if the case in which they are being sued has any merit. Our standard answer is that anyone can sue anyone else for anything – it does not mean they will win!
There are a variety of factors that come into play; for example, a potential client wants to sue someone for negative statements they have made against them. While they might be able to get a judge or jury to agree that the person had no right to make those statements, it is equally important to show how those negative statements financially impacted the person suing. If you cannot prove damages, or if the person you are suing has no assets, then a lawsuit might not be worth the time and money.
While we can never guarantee a result, we review every case carefully and can give you a good idea as to the potential success of your case and its possible value.
The same is true if you have been served. A determination of liability and damages will have to be made. There are defenses to every type of action, however if the action against you is proper, we can assist in negotiating the best deal possible.
We will be happy to review any situation for you – whether you want to bring a case against someone or if you have been served with a lawsuit.
Call our office for a free consultation.